Monday 29 April 2019

Full body workout at home without equipment

Working out in the gym or in a fitness center is a good thing to do, but sometimes you just want to work out at home or anywhere you feel comfortable.  Most of us have a very busy lifestyle and do not have 24-hour access to a fully equipped gym with weights and machines. The truth that no fitness center tells you is that you can really train your whole body at home. Of course, the team can help and is ideal to move forward and diversify a training program. However, if you just want to move and do weight training and cardiovascular training anywhere, full body workout at home without equipment is certainly possible.
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Beginner workout at home without equipment
Starting an exercise plan at home and following it can be very intimidating, especially for newbies. There are many things you should consider and you want to make sure that the time you spend on training is the most beneficial. Here is a list of some easy-to-use tips on beginner workout at home without weights and a quick overview of how to do it like a trainer.
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Low impact Cardio and Abs, This is one of the most important type of exercise for the beginners. This half an hour workout have huge impact on your body and can be easily changed to make them easier or more difficult. Use this exercises to build endurance, coordination, body control and flexibility. It is also a good starting point to burn fat and develop cardiovascular resistance. This exercise is a combination of basic cardio that will help you build a solid foundation while you sweat.
Upper body workout with warm up and cool down is an excellent way to learn how to build muscle and get back in shape within the comforts of your home without using any types of weight.
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 Honestly, this can be very difficult for the beginners, but as you work against your own strength, the difficulty is evolutionary. If you know the way, you can use this form of workout to burn fat, build muscles and get in shape without using any equipment. Besides these, there are various body weight exercises like push ups pull ups, squat ,planks etc. which you can do at your home and can proudly say “no to gym” and can do full body workout within the comfort of your home to remain in shape and to remain healthy.
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Home workout without equipment to build muscles is by far considered as the most economical and effective form of exercise. If you make a habit of doing at least 30 min full body workout at home from your very childhood and continue this healthy habit every day, you will remain healthy and strong throughout your natural life

Thursday 25 April 2019

Biceps workout without Weights

Everybody wants to know how to improve the look of their arms. Guys want their guns to be bigger and girls want them to be slender and toned. Arms, like abs, are at the forefront of most people’s minds because they look impressive. They’re not something that people are just born with – it’s obvious that you had to put in the work to get them. Working your arms is a little more problematic, because most of the moves require a full set of dumbbells and other machinery. Luckily, there are still some biceps exercises that do not involve the use of ant types of gym equipment and which you can do just about anywhere.
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Biceps are the significant show off muscle, everybody wants bigger biceps. But how can you get your biceps to grow? Can you do this at your home and without even using weights?
The short answer is yes! And I know this sounds too good to be true, but it's a fact. You don't need to go to the gym, and you don't even have to have a proper home gym setup.
You can build impressive biceps without equipment, using either your body weight or just household stuff you already have lying around.
I am not saying you shouldn’t join a gym or ever buy any equipment, not at all, I am just saying that you don't have to if you don't want to.
Arms and in particular biceps are the most sought-after body part. No other muscle in the body has such a difference in appearance when flexed vs. unflexed (extended). Big biceps look like beautiful mountain peaks. They draw attention from girls, giving you an edge at the bar or at the party, and they even attract attention from other guys, making them envy your guns.

Tips on increasing biceps size at home:  
 Arms circle:
Arm circles are an easy exercise you can do anywhere, inside or out. Arm circles require little time, yet reap great benefits when you do them regularly. You don't need any special exercise equipment for arm circle exercises. In fact, you need no equipment at all. You can do arm circles in sneakers, your bare feet or high heels. Arm circles require little concentration, so you may do them while watching TV or at your desk at work.
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     Push up:
A traditional push up doesn’t target the biceps muscle, changing the position of your hands and making variations in the push

ups can make this muscle play a larger role in the movement. Moving the alignment of your hands down your torso and reversing their position will produce more of an arm-curling motion. This is key to targeting the biceps.
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  Chin up:
Grab the bar with an overhand grip that's slightly wider than shoulder-width. Hang from the bar, bend your knees, and cross your ankles behind your body. Squeeze your shoulder blades together, and raise your body until your shoulders are just under the bar. Lower back to the starting position. That's one rep. Do as many as you can.
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Inverted Row:
The inverted row should be part of everyone’s exercise regime, but if you’re someone who struggles with pull-ups (which is almost everyone) or spends a lot of time doing press ups or the bench press you’ll certainly appreciate the benefits.
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Resistance band curl:
Resistance Band Bicep Curl is a unique and fun way to strengthen your biceps without picking up dumbbells or barbells. This exercise uses the resistance of the band to make your biceps engage and contract allowing you to tone and strengthen your arms without even holding a weight. This can be a great tool for those who have injuries in their wrist or other issues that prevent them from holding weights. It can also be a great way to sprinkle variety into your workouts. The resistance band is an excellent tool that makes you work hard but gives you a nice change of pace from the typical weight training. If you learn how to do Resistance Band Bicep Curl you will have a brand new tool for getting great arms!
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Towel Bicep curls:
The isometric towel curl is an easy at-home exercise that can help strengthen your biceps. Isometrics involve contracting your muscles and holding the contraction and your position for a period of time. Roll up a bath towel, lengthwise, stand with your feet hip-width apart and put one end of the towel under your left foot. Grab the other end with your left hand and turn your hand so your palm is facing forward. Bend your left elbow and pull up on the towel until you feel tension in your upper-arm muscles. You want your elbow bent 90 degrees when you feel the tension. If it's not, adjust where you are holding the towel. Hold the contraction for 30 seconds. Relax and switch arms.
If building stronger and bigger arms are your ultimate goal, do not forget to follow my above mentioned tips on Biceps workout without weight.
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Wednesday 17 April 2019

    How to get a killer physique at home
 You want to change your body. You are sick and tired of being small, weak and having no confidence in yourself. You have the same dream that millions of other people around the world have. You want to be big, strong, look good and be confident in yourself to take on any challenge that is set in front of you. You don't just want to change your body. You want to change and improve every aspect of your life. You have the passion, but you don't know where to start or what to do. Don’t worry, I am here to help you with all your questions.
Although you can get a ripped body without doing any cardio, doing it will only help you achieve that body you want much faster. It will also increment your ability to go longer in your strength workouts which will make you stronger and more muscular in the long run. Unless you want to put some extra pounds of muscle in the fastest amount then you should be doing cardio at least once a week.

 Now, you may be wondering: What is the best type of cardio that I can do at home?
 There are many forms of cardio, however, most of them fall into two categories: Steady pace cardio or High intensity cardio. Even though your body will use only fat as energy when doing steady pace cardio while the other one will use more of your glycogen storage, doing high intensity cardio has been shown to burn more overall calories and leave your body with a ”After Burn” effect for about 48h. In short, HIIT cardio has been shown to be more effective for fat loss and a ripped body than regular steady pace cardio.

Apart from cardio, you can also use your own body weight to get a killer physique without going gym. Bodyweight training is when you implement the resistance of your own body in a workout. The exercises don’t involve the use of free weights or gym machines. The world is moving faster than ever and not everyone has time for long, grueling gym sessions. Fortunately, pumping iron at the gym isn’t the one and only way to get you the lean and ripped body you’ve always wanted. In fact, body weight exercises have become increasingly popular and are often considered more effective than weight training. Body weight training is when you use your own resistance in a workout. The exercises don’t use free weights or gym machines. Weight training really doesn’t have to deal with much of a cardio, but it is like hitting two birds with one stone.

 Another benefit of body weight training is that you don’t have to lift excessive amounts of weight in order to change your body. Bodyweight training helps work all of the muscles in your body and are easy to modify to your fitness level. You can add extra reps, change the pace, or add extra movements during an exercise. Plus, you can do body weight workouts anywhere and at any time without having to rely solely on gym equipment.

What types of exercises come under the body weight?
 If you are wondering about the information regarding the body weight exercise. Well, these are four of the best exercises that are better than pumping iron. Do these moves on vacation, at work, right before bed, or when you wake up in order to get the most out of them.

Push Ups: 
Push-ups are one of the best body weight workouts to get you stronger in no time. There are multitudes of variations of push-ups that make this work out one that you’ll never get sick of. The primary muscle groups that push-ups target are pecs, triceps and anterior deltoids. It doesn’t matter how many push-ups you can do, rather it’s about how well you do them. They can be totally useless if you don’t do them properly.

 Pull ups:

 These are feared in the fitness community because they are so hard and are challenging to the most of us. Find a pull-up bar or a door to perform this move. The pull-up is a compound upper body exercise, meaning it targets multiple muscle groups and releases a growth hormone. It targets the back and biceps while simultaneously working your core.


Squats work the whole body, but especially your lower body, as well as a strong emphasis on the core. You can change your posture to emphasize different muscles, which makes it easy to always switch up this exercise. A narrow stance will work your quadriceps more, while a wide stance will focus on glutes and hamstring. Make sure you go down until your thighs are parallel to the ground. Perform many squats at a high intensity to get the most out of this workout.

 Planks are arguably the best full-body workout. Planks mainly focus on the abdomens and lower back, but they also work your shoulders, chest, triceps, back, and legs. Remember to contract your abs and squeeze your glutes while holding this position the longest you can. Another variation of the plank are side planks, which means you stack your legs on top of one another and have one arm straight on the ground. Planks with an alternate arm and leg raise are also an extremely effective version of this exercise. Raise your left hand straight out in front of you and your right leg straight up behind you, each parallel to the ground. Hold for three seconds and switch. Your abs will definitely come out of its hiding place.

Thursday 11 April 2019

Yoga and meditation

Yoga is a powerful jewel that we inherited from our ancestors. Yoga is not just a form of physical exercise, the systematic approach to yoga has a positive effect on holistic health. This includes physiological, mental, emotional, social and spiritual well-being. Yoga is the most effective approach to treat both physical and mental problems and also to relieve stress.

Meditation is like a seed of a fruit. When you cultivate a seed with love, the more it blossoms, the more fruitful it becomes. Meditation is an ancient relaxation technique. It's not about concentration, it's about de-concentration. There are several benefits of meditation: a healthy body and a calm mind, good concentration, better clarity, improved communication, relaxation and rejuvenation of the mind and body and much more. Meditation makes the mind fresh, delicate and beautiful. It cleanses and nourishes you from within and calms you, whenever you feel overwhelmed by your own feelings, unstable or emotionally down. The regular practice of meditation helps you reduce anxiety, improve emotional stability, develop intuition and achieve peace of mind. People of all age can enjoy refreshing minutes of our meditation every day.
The mind-body intervention such as yoga and meditation helps a person to be healthy and eventually helps a society and country to be healthy and prosperous. We are on a mission to revolutionize the nation with natural and healthy food supplements to make people physically healthy and with yoga and meditation to make people mentally, spiritually and holistically healthy.

The corelation between exercise and longevity

Aging is a natural and complex physiological process that is influenced by many factors, some of which are amendable. As the number of older people continues to grow, it is important to develop techniques that are easy to implement and that contribute to "Graceful aging". In addition to the healthy diet and holistic well-being, the benefits of regular physical activity on mortality and the prevention and control of chronic diseases that affect life expectancy.

 Exercise can partially reverse the effects of the aging process on physiological functions and maintain functional reserve in the elderly. Many studies have shown that maintaining a minimum amount and quality of exercise reduces the risk of untimely death, prevents the development of certain types of cancers, reduces the risk of osteoporosis and increases longevity. Exercise programs should include exercises to improve cardiovascular health and muscle function, as well as flexibility and balance. Regular and moderate physical activity, such as fast walking can increase life expectancy even for overweight people for several years. Although a higher level of physical activity has been associated with an even longer life expectancy, moderate activity was also beneficial, according to the research conducted on the group of people older than 60 years.

The benefits of exercise were observed regardless of weight, age, sex and health status of people such as heart disease and cancer. Although the benefits of physical activity seem to be directly related to the concept of volume and intensity of training, older adults require more in-depth research to develop specific recommendations, taking into account specific recommendations. However, remember that the main objective is to promote physical activity in this growing population.

 Holistic wellness for life: Wellness is an active process to become aware of and making decisions towards a healthy and satisfying life...